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Lake Havasu Elks Men's Golf Club


With sadness I would like to let everybody know that long time Elk's Golfer, Fred Wick has left this world for greener pastures.  I have no information for a celebration of life.  I will update you as I receive information.


Our Fall Scramble/Meeting/Luncheon is Re-scheduled for November 5, at the Lake Havasu Golf Course, with the meeting following at the Elk's Lodge.  Signups will begin on the first Tuesday in October and will close October 29th.    


Our 2025 Dues are up for renewal, Gary Parsons will be collecting starting next Tuesday, October 8th.  For those that are AGA and Club, the cost is $75, for those who are club only, the cost is $30.  


Thank You, 

Mike Lomeli

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